Angstrom-dep ® Atomic Layer Depostion (ALD) system is develped by Angstrom-dep Thin Film Company.
The company founded in 2008. The technical supports includes members of US National Academy of Engineering, Nantional lab researchers, International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS).
The company is the pioneers of powder ALD functioning and commercial systems in the world. The company also have close colaboration with US national labs and universities in the fields of high temperature ALD and plasma ALD application of nanoparticle functionalization, nanoporous material property enhancements. The company has been awarded national 100 R&D in 2011.
Angstrom-dep ALD systems are widely used in the fields of semiconductor process, nanotechnologies, fuel-cell catalysis, electrode materials, solar cell and bio-mimic thin films.
More than 10 years of ALD experiences
Specialized not only thermal ALD, but also plasma assisted ALD, porous material ALD and powder ALD. Focused ALD system functions, reliabilities and practicality.
powder ALD
Batched powder ALD. Powder are easily collected. ALD container are easily cleaned. Avoid contaminations among different powder samples.
wider temperature ranges
425°C:Wafer holder temperature. Satisfy most ALD requirements. 325°C:For both powder and wafer ALD. 280°C:For both powder and wafer ALD.
corrosive precursor allowed
Low temperature ALD, especially important for organic polymer ALD.
ModulAerized design
Easy to upgrade and maintenance. It is easy to add plasma function, powder ALD module, and ozone function on existing wafer ALD system.
wafer ALD
Heated sample holder allowed single chamber: drawer type wafer feeding, quick temperature response, smaller chamber, convernient in operation and manteinance.